The Even Yearbook 11 (2014)

Editorial note

Ágnes Benkő
Vacillating stems in Hungarian
The Even Yearbook 11   ⟨#92⟩
⟨abstract⟩   ⟨full text⟩ ⟨more…⟩

Tamás Csontos
Passivization in German: A Syntax First Alignment Approach
The Even Yearbook 11   ⟨#93⟩
⟨abstract⟩   ⟨full text⟩ ⟨more…⟩

Mark Newson
Binding revisited
The Even Yearbook 11   ⟨#94⟩
⟨abstract⟩   ⟨full text⟩ ⟨more…⟩

Péter Szigetvári
Two more, three less: Diphthongs in British English
The Even Yearbook 11   ⟨#95⟩
⟨abstract⟩   ⟨full text⟩ ⟨more…⟩

László Varga
The falling-rising intonation in English: Its subtypes, functions, and representations
The Even Yearbook 11   ⟨#96⟩
⟨abstract⟩   ⟨full text⟩ ⟨more…⟩

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