The Even Yearbook 11 (2014)


volume: 11 (2014)
author: Mark Newson
title: Binding revisited
keywords: syntax first alignment, reflexivity, late lexical insertion, ECM constructuions
abstract: Binding phenomena have traditionally been accounted for using constituent structure notions, such as c-command and binding category. In this paper I demonstrate that it is possible to do away with such notions, replacing them with non-constituent structural notions, and still achieve descriptively accurate results. I present an analysis constructed within the Syntax First Alignment system, based on Newson’s (1998) OT analysis which itself made use of traditional structure based concepts. The analysis presented here differs from the original analysis in remarkable few ways despite the fact that it abandons all notions of c-command and binding categories. However, the new analysis goes further than the original accounting for the behaviour of anaphoric subjects of ECM clauses, which in previous theories have at best received only stipulative accounts.
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