1994 Coronality, velarity and why they are special ⟨#11⟩
2 (1996) Laryngeal contrasts and problematic representations ⟨#19⟩
3 (1998) Voice assimilation in Hungarian: the hitches ⟨#29⟩
5 (2002) Syncope in English ⟨#49⟩
6 (2004) To branch or not to branch? ⟨#62⟩
11 (2014) Two more, three less: Diphthongs in British English ⟨#95⟩
12 (2016) The curious case of Cj clusters in English ⟨#103⟩
13 (2018) Stressed schwa in English ⟨#108⟩
14 (2020) ⟨with Zoltán G. Kiss⟩ Telling fortis and lenis apart in English obstruent clusters ⟨#113⟩