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call for application to SEAS specializations, 2020

Any BA student majoring in English is welcome to apply for a specialization offered by the School of English and American Studies who do not have a minor. The number of students admitted to the programs: 16 students each year for each specialization. The specializations offer 10 courses, 5 credits each that participants have to take in 4 semesters. At graduation, a special additional document is attached to the degree stating the nature of the specialization.

Application to more than one specialization is allowed, but please indicate the order of preference, as you can only attend one specialization.

These are the steps of the application process:

  1. Fill in the online application form by 22 May 2020. In this form you will be requested to submit a link to your CV (Google drive link or online Europass etc.) and a letter of motivation of 300 words. In the letter of motivation please indicate your experience and why you have chosen the specialization.
  2. Attend an oral entrance exam online on 8 June 2020. The details of the oral exam will be sent after the application as there are differences in the exam procedures among the specializations.

For further information concerning the specializations and special requirements, please contact the heads of specialisations.

studies/programmes/specializations/call2020.txt · last touched 2020-04-22 21:43 by Péter Szigetvári