The Even Yearbook 7 (2006)

editorial note

The Even Yearbook 7 (2006) is the 7th in a series of volumes that we have published in every even­-numbered year since 1994, and the first that we have published only el­ectronically rather than in the form of a physical book. As usual, it contains papers by both staff and doctoral students at the Department of English Linguistics of Eötvös Loránd University.

Four of the papers are devoted to phonology: Miklós TÖRKENCZY (associate professor) writes on the phonotactics of Hungarian verbs, Zsuzsa KERTÉSZ (PhD student) presents various approaches to the phonological analysis of loan word adap­tation, Dániel HUBER (PhD student) deals with velars in Old English, and Attila STARČEVIĆ (assistant lecturer/PhD student) examines Middle English quantity changes. One paper is sociolinguistic in nature: Tamás EITLER (PhD student) offers his views on identity construction, speaker agency, and Estuary English. Six papers are concerned with syntax or with topics that have syntactic relevance. Mark NEW­SON (associate professor) and Vili MAUNULA (teaching assistant) approach prob­lems of focus and word order in Finnish, Balázs SURÁNYI (research fellow) proposes a purely derivational approach to syntax, Gizella NAGY (PhD student) examines mul­tiple questions in English, German and Hungarian, Gergely KAMPER (PhD student) writes about differential object marking, Judit GÓRÁSZ (PhD student) deals with the positioning of frequency adverbs in Late­Middle English, and Alexandra FODOR (PhD student) explores the conditional use of and in Early Modern English.

Our thanks are due to Marianna Hordós, Lajos Marosán, Ádám Nádasdy, Mark Newson, Miklós Törkenczy, and László Varga for reading and refereeing the papers, and also to the authors for producing the camera­ready final versions of their submissions. We must also thank Péter Szigetvári, for preparing a template for the authors to type in and thus ensuring some uniformity of appearance of each paper, and − last but not least − for using his expertise in putting the present volume on the internet.

December 2006

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