The Even Yearbook 9 (2010)

editorial note

The Even Yearbook 9 (2010) is the 9th in the series of biennial volumes that we have published in every even-numbered year since 1994, and the 3rd that we have published electronically. At the same time, it marks the 375th anniversary of the founding of Eötvös Loránd University. It contains papers by both staff and doctoral students at the Department of English Linguistics of Eötvös Loránd University.

Three of the papers are devoted to syntax: Júlia Bácskai-Atkári (PhD student) writes on parametric variation and comparative deletion, Katalin Horváth (PhD student) examines possessive interpretations, and Mark Newson (associate professor) explores the possibilities of doing away with the lexicon in a grammatical system which operates without hierarchical syntactic structure based on optimality theory. Two papers deal with phonological issues: Gyöngyi Werthmüller (PhD student) studies the behaviour of word-final -e in the poetry of Gower and Chaucer, and László Varga (professor) discusses boundary tones and the lack of intermediate phrase in Hungarian intonation.

Our thanks are due to Huba Bartos, Marianna Hordós, Péter Siptár, Krisztina Szécsényi and László Varga, for reading and refereeing the papers, and to Péter Szigetvári, for doing the technical editing and putting the volume on the net.

October 2010
Department of English Linguistics,
Eötvös Loránd University,

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