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Topics 5, 6, 9, and 10 have set readings for the examination. These readings are the following:

  • Bringhurst, Robert. 2004. The Elements of Typographic Style. Version 3.0. Point Roberts, WA & Vancouver: Hartley & Marks. (61.1M). We will refer to this text as Bringhurst. pdf
  • Clair, Kate and Cynthia Busic-Snyder. 2005. A Typographic Workbook. A Primer to History, Techniques, and Artistry. Second edition. Danvers, MA: Wiley. (selected chapters, 21.7M). We will refer to this text as Workbook. pdf
  • Felici, James. 2012. The Complete Manual of Typography. Second edition. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit. (86.2M). We will refer to this text as Felici. pdf

topic 5: page layout

The general workflow of setting up the layout of a page include deciding on the page size, the stock, trimming to the size of the page, and finally designing the layout of the page within the boundaries of the trimmed size. All this requires some knowledge about paper and page sizes, proportions, margins, and design grids.

  • set text: Bringhurst, chapter 2 “Rhythm & proportion”; Bringhurst, chapter 8 “Shaping the page”

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