autumn 2024
- code
- time & place
Wed 12:00–13:30, D126
- type, value
lecture, 3 credits
- frequency
lectures and exams both in autumn and spring terms
- host & instructors
DELG, G. Kiss Zoltán, Őri Péter, Starčević Attila, Szigetvári Péter, Törkenczy Miklós
- attendance
obligatory and warmly recommended, but not checked
- assessment
written preliminary (mid-term) and end-term examination
1: introduction
2: laryngeal contrasts
3: vowels
4: vowels & stress
5: phrasal stress
6: intonation
2024-10-16 :: G. Kiss Zoltán :: see above
preliminary test
2024-11-06 :: you have to register for this before 23:59, Tue 5 Nov
5: word stress & accent (1)
2024-11-13 :: Törkenczy Miklós :: slides
6: word stress & accent (2)
2024-11-20 :: Törkenczy Miklós :: slides
9: variation (1)
2024-11-27 :: Starčević Attila :: set text
10: variation (2)
2024-12-11 :: Starčević Atilla :: see above
examination (autumn 2024)
Assessment is based on a written examination. The test includes multiple choice items (~67%) and fill-in questions (~33%).
You may take this examination in any term.
The exam dates this term are:
to be announced in November
You must register for this exam in Neptun.
results of previous examinations