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The Even Yearbook 6 (2004)


volume: 6 (2004)
pages: 184–191
author: Péter Szigetvári
title: To branch or not to branch?
abstract: This squib aims to be a partial reply to Ploch (2003, the reader is advised to have a look at that paper first.) It is only partial because I do not feel it my duty to defend most of the theories attacked by Ploch.
      The paper—Ploch’s contribution to the Kaye Festschrift—discusses metatheoretical problems in phonology and claims to “show[…] that the most important hypotheses which have been supported by phonologists and/or, more generally, linguists over the last (three, four) decades, but not only those, are not scientific ones” (185f). I do not wish to generally argue against this rather bold statement. Instead I will attempt to show why I think Ploch misunderstands the strict CV approach, and why I still maintain that it is one of the null hypotheses about prosodic structure.
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