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The Even Yearbook 7 (2006)


volume: 7 (2006)
author: Miklós Törkenczy
title: The phonotactics of Hungarian verbs
keywords: Hungarian, phonotactics, stratification of the lexicon
abstract: This paper is a detailed and essentially descriptively-oriented study of the well-known claim that in Hungarian verbs and non-verbs belong to different strata of the lexicon, which can be seen in their phonotactics. Specifically, the phonotactics of (monomorphemic) verb stems is more restrictive than the phonotactics of non-verb stems. The paper shows that this manifests itself (i) in the stricter constraints that apply to the (complex) coda and (ii) the frequency effects intervocalic consonant clusters display. It is also suggested that — although the Syllable Contact Law does not hold in Hungarian in general — the phonotactics of verbs is skewed towards it.
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