The Even Yearbook 12 (2016)


volume: 12 (2016)
pages: 11–30
author: Tamás Csontos
title: Nominal and pronominal arguments in German: a Syntax First Alignment approach
keywords: Syntax First Alignment, nominal and pronominal arguments, German, animacy, focus, topic
abstract: This article focuses on the order of nominal and pronominal arguments in German. It argues that the basic word order is subject > direct object > indirect object. The factors that can modify this arrangement are animacy status, (contrastive) focus and (contrastive) topic status. It will also be shown that pronominal arguments are blind to the animacy factor. I give an analysis of these word order issues within the framework of Syntax First Alignment and demonstrate that this theory can account for a number of phenomena in a straightforward way.
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