The Even Yearbook 4 (2000)


volume: 4 (2000)
pages: 153–178
author: László Varga
title: Approaches to Rhythmical Variation in English
abstract: The article reviews and critically evaluates the most influential schools analysing English rhythmical variation of the ˈthirteen ˈmen and ˈjust thirˈteen type in the past 20 years or so, paying special attention to Liberman & Prince’s tree-and-grid-based model (1977), Selkirk’s pure grid model (1984), Hayes’ tree-and-grid model (1984), and Gussenhoven’s accent-based model (1991). The conclusion is that both kinds of variation can be analysed uniformly in Gussenhoven’s framework, and that they are postlexical phenomena, possibly belonging to the P1 stratum of postlexical phonology, in the sense of Kaisse (1990).
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