En général, ces definitions minutieuses,
dans lesquelles les grammairiens montrent leur sagacité,
sont plus curieuses que véritablement utiles.
(Arnault & Lancelot 1803:411)
The vowel inventory of British English In: Patrick Honeybone and Martin Krämer (eds.), Theoretical Phonology and the Phonology of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Linking vowels define paradigm classes in Hungarian. Journal of Uralic Linguistics.
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Phonologically motivated lexical repair strategies are conservative. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 24: 273–292. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Either templatic or harmonic. Acta Linguistica Academica 72. [
Native speakers and syllable structure. Theoretical Linguistics 50: 279–283. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] No lowering, only paradigms: A paradigm-based account of linking vowels in Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Academica 71: 137–170. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Morphological restrictions on vowel harmony: The case of Hungarian. In Peter Ackerma, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulàlia Bonet, and Antonio Fábregas (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. John Wiley & Sons. 1305–1363. [
The prince and the nymph: Interconsonantal plosive–zero alternation in English. In Florian Breit, Yuko Yoshida, and Connor Youngberg (eds.), Elements, Government, and Licensing: Developments in Phonology. London: UCL Press. 219–231. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] How morphological is Hungarian vowel harmony? Supplemental Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Between adjective and noun. Acta Linguistica Academica 69: 188–205. [
Unstressed vowels in English: Distributions and consequences. Acta Linguistica Academica 69: 4–16. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Diminutive formation in Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Academica 68: 230–255. [
[with Zoltán G. Kiss] Telling fortis and lenis apart in English obstruent clusters. The Even Yearbook 14: 135–157. [
Posttonic stress in English. In Krzysztof Jaskuła (ed.), Phonological and Phonetic Explorations. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. 163–189. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Variation, the Height Effect, and disharmony in Hungarian front/back harmony. Supplemental Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. [
Emancipating lenes: A reanalysis of English obstruent clusters. Acta Linguistica Academica 67: 39–52. [
Van-e az angolban mellékhangsúly? Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 115: 293–315. [
Ami erős és ami csak annak látszik: Az angol zörejhangkapcsolatok új elemzése. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok 31: 335–362. [
Where are syllables? Radical: A Journal of Phonology 1: 92–125. [
Stressed schwa in English. The Even Yearbook 13: 81–95. [
Morris Halle (1923–2018). Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 114: 153–155. [
Az angol magánhangzó-rendszer egyszerűbb, mint gondolnánk. Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 113: 167–191. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Asymmetric variation. In: Geoff Lindsey and Andrew Nevins (eds.) Sonic Signatures. John Benjamins. 163–188. [
English stress is binary and lexical. In: Geoff Lindsey and Andrew Nevins (eds.) Sonic Signatures. John Benjamins. 263–276. [
Strengthening in unstressed position: We happy? In: Péter Szigetvári (ed.) 70 Snippets to Mark Ádám Nádasdy’s 70th Birthday. Budapest: Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University. [
The curious case of Cj clusters in English. The Even Yearbook 12: 93–105. [
No diphthong, no problem. In: Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska and Eugeniusz Cyran (eds.) Phonology, its faces and interfaces. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 123–141. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Diminutives: Exceptions to Harmonic Uniformity. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 15: 101–119. [
The death of centring diphthongs in British English. In: Anna Bloch-Rozmej, Anna Bondaruk, and Anna Prażmowska (eds.) Spotlight on Melody and Structure in Syntax and Phonology. Studies in Linguistics and Methodology (SLAM), vol. 9. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. 287–303.
Írjuk át az angolt: minek, mit, hogyan? In: Károly Krisztina and Perjés István (eds.) Jó gyakorlatok a tanárképzés tudós műhelyeiből. Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó. 2: 288–299. [
Two more, three less: Diphthongs in British English. The Even Yearbook 11: 57–66. [
[with Miklós Törkenczy] Szardíniás szendvics: Ilyen, olyan — amolyan? In: Frank Tibor and Károly Krisztina (eds.) Az angol tudománya. Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó. 262–270.
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Harmony that cannot be represented. In: Johan Brandtler, Valéria Molnár, and Christer Platzack (eds.) Approaches to Hungarian. Volume 13: Papers from the 2011 Lund conference. John Benjamins. 229–252. [
[with Miklós Törkenczy] Pszeudokratülosz újratöltve. In: Péter Szigetvári (ed.) VLlxx: Papers presented to László Varga on his 70th birthday. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Dirty secrets of Hungarian vowel harmony. In: Eugeniusz Cyran, Henryk Kardela, and Bogdan Szymanek (eds.) Sound, Structure and Sense: Studies in Memory of Edmund Gussmann. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. 491–508. [
[with Miklós Törkenczy] A Thistle, or How to tell a reduced vowel. In: Rare Device: Writings in Honour of Ágnes Péter (ELTE Papers in English Studies), Bálint Gárdos, Veronika Ruttkay, and Andrea Timár (eds.) Budapest: Department of English Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. 503–513. [
The skeleton. In: Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen, Elizabeth Hume, Keren Rice (eds.) Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Wiley-Blackwell. 1263–1284. [
Syllable. In: Bert Botma, Nancy C. Kula & Kuniya Nasukawa (eds.). Continuum Companion to Phonology. London & New York: Continuum. 64–94. [
[with Zoltán Kiss and Péter Rebrus] Jó fonológiák: Válasz Szépe Györgynek, Szende Tamásnak és Szépe Juditnak. Magyar Nyelv 104/1: 25–38. [
Two directions for lenition. In: Joaquim Brandão de Carvalho, Tobias Scheer, and Philippe Ségéral (eds.) Lenition and Fortition, Studies in Generative Grammar 99: 561–591. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [
What and where. In: Joaquim Brandão de Carvalho, Tobias Scheer, and Philippe Ségéral (eds.) Lenition and Fortition, Studies in Generative Grammar 99: 93–130. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [
Branching onsets and syncope in English. Language Sciences 29: 408–425. [
[with Miklós Törkenczy] Pszeudo-Kratülosz. In: László Kálmán (ed.) KB 120: A titkos kötet. Nyelvészeti tanulmányok Bánréti Zoltán és Komlósy András tiszteletére. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet/Tinta Könyvkiadó. 263–275. [
The markedness of the unmarked. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 53/4: 433–447. [
[with Tobias Scheer] Unified representations for stress and the syllable. Phonology 22/1: 37–75. [
To branch or not to branch. The Even Yearbook 6: 184–191. [
Manner as a skeletal relation. To appear in: Friedrich Neubarth, Markus Pöchtrager and John Rennison (eds.) Phonologica 2002: Structure and Melody, Proceedings of the 9th International Phonology Meeting, 1–3 November 2002 in Vienna. [
Syncope in English. The Even Yearbook 5: 139–149. [
Dismantling syllable structure. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 48: 155–181. [
Szótagtalan fonológia. In: Siptár Péter (ed.) Szabálytalan fonológia. Budapest: Tinta. 37–75. [
[with Ádám Nádasdy] Huron's English Pronouncing Dictionary/Huron angol kiejtési kézikönyv. Budapest: Biográf.
Dismantling syllable structure. In: Huba Bartos (ed.) Papers on the Mental Lexicon. Budapest: Research Institute of Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 177–209.
Why CVCV. The Even Yearbook 4: 117–152. [
VC Phonology: a theory of consonant lenition and phonotactics. PhD dissertation. [
[with Péter Dienes] Repartitioning the skeleton: VC phonology (Version 1, June 1999). Ms. [
Kormányzás a fonológiában [Government in phonology]. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok 19: 165–213. [
Voice assimilation in Hungarian: the hitches. The Even Yearbook 3: 223–236. [
Miért nem zöngésedik a [h]? In: Büky László and Maleczki Márta (eds.) A mai magyar nyelv leírásának újabb módszerei III. Szeged: JATE. 169–181. [
Why [h] does not get voiced. In: Eugeniusz Cyran (ed.). 1998. Structure and interpretation. Studies in Phonology. PASE Studies & Monographs 4. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Folium. 287–301. (Titled: Why [h] is not voiced.) [
On affricates. In: Ágnes B. Farkas (ed.) Proceedings of the First Symposium of Doctoral Students in Linguistics. Budapest: Theoretical Linguistics Programme. [
[with Ádám Nádasdy] Principles of a “foreign-accent” English pronunciation dictionary for Hungarians (HAKSZ). In: Terts István (ed.) Nyelv, nyelvész, társadalom. Emlékkönyv Szépe György 65. születésnapjára… [Language, linguist, society. Festschrift for the 65th birthday of György Szépe… Pécs: JPTE. 159–178. [
Laryngeal contrasts and problematic representations. The Even Yearbook 2: 97–110. [
Coronality, velarity and why they are special. The Even Yearbook 1994: 185–224. [
The special nature of coronal consonants. MA thesis, Theoretical Linguistics Programme, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Consonant clusters in English. MA thesis, Department of English Language and Literature, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Interparadigm conservatism and minimality motivate paradigm gaps in Hungarian. Paper presented at the (Universal) Paradigmatic Gaps workshop of GLOW47, Göttingen, 24 March 2025.
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Morphology causing nonuniformity in Hungarian backness harmony. Paper presented at the Vowel Harmony workshop of OCP22, Leiden, 4 February 2025. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Sufficient and insufficient contrast and nonuniformity. Paper presented at the Nonuniformity in Morphophonology across Frameworks Workshop, Trier, 10–11 October 2024. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Systematic vacillation in vowel–zero alternation in Hungarian. Paper presented at the 21st Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP21), Leipzig, 14–16 February 2024. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Phonologically motivated lexical repair strategies are conservative. Paper presented at the Nominal Inflection and Word-Formation at the Phonology–Morphology Interface (NoWPhoMo), Barcelona, 25–26 January 2024. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Either templatic or harmonic. Paper presented at the Symposium on Vowel Harmony, Budapest, 16–17 November 2023. [
The vowel inventory of British English. Talk at the Theoretical Phonology and the Phonology of English series, Zoom, 6 November 2023. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Interparadigm conservatism motivates paradigm gaps in Hungarian. Poster presented at the Morris Halle @ 100 Conference, Cambridge, Mass., 8–10 September 2023. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Linking vowels are paradigm clases in Hungarian. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Graz, 28–29 June 2023. [
The stressability hierarchy for English. Paper presented at the Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics (APAP) conference, Lublin, 23–24 June 2023. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Proliferation of allomorphy induced by harmonic asymmetry: a case of overabundance. Paper presented at the 30th Manchester Phonology meeting (30mfm), Manchester, 25–27 May 2023. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Paradigmatic conservatism: a case of defectiveness. Paper presented at the Non-automatic alternations in phonology workshop, GLOW46, Vienna, 15 April 2023. [
Is vowel reduction in English phonological? Paper presented at the Non-automatic alternations in phonology workshop, GLOW46, Vienna, 15 April 2023. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Mi a komplexitás? Paper presented at the Beszédkutatás — Speech Research 2023 conference, Budapest, 23–24 February 2023. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Aszimmetrikus mintázatok a magyar alaktanban. Paper presented at the Össznyelvész conference, Budapest, 16–17 December 2022. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] How morphological is Hungarian vowel harmony? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting on Phonology (@UCLA), Los Angeles, 22 October 2022. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] A gap in Hungarian possessives. Paper presented at the Vowel Harmony Symposium of the Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Vienna, 24 August 2022. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Stochastic phonological knowledge in diminutive formation. Paper presented at the 19èmes rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie, Porto, 7 June 2022. [
What makes
Are there diphthongs in English? Paper presented to the Atelier de phonologie (SFL at UMR 7023), Université Paris 8 [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Diminutives: Templatic morphology in an agglutinating language. Paper presented at the Dissecting Morphological Theory 1: Diminutivization Across Languages and Frameworks workshop at the 2021 conference of Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE2021), Athens/Zoom, 30 August–3 September 2021. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] The paradigm in Hungarian Vowel Harmony. Poster presented at the 5th American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM5), Ohio State University, 26–29 August 2021. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] The paradigm in Hungarian Vowel Harmony. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH15), Pécs, 25–27 August 2021. [
[with Péter Rebrus] A unified treatment of segments and clusters. Paper presented at ICNGL12 Phoneme Inventories Workshop, Oslo, 16–18 June 2021. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Defectivity caused by templaticity. Poster presented at the 28th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Zoom/Discord, 26–28 May 2021. [
English vowels. Paper presented to the Wiener Sprachgesellschaft. 13 April 2021. [
[with Zoltán G. Kiss] Telling fortis and lenis apart in English obstruent clusters. Poster presented at SinFonIJA 13, Budapest/Zoom, 24–26 September 2020. [
Unstressed vowels in English: Distributions and consequences. Paper presented at SinFonIJA 13, Budapest/Zoom, 24–26 September 2020. [
Is there posttonic stress in English? Paper presented at the 17th Old World Conference in Phonology, Warsaw, 5–7 February 2020. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Vacillation and lexical variation in Hungarian front/back harmony. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting on Phonology, Stony Brook, 11–13 October 2019. [
Fine tuning phonotactics. Paper presented at the 3rd Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics, Lublin, 21–23 June 2019.
[with Péter Rebrus] Gradual phonotactics: Hungarian i-diminutives. Paper presented at the Government Phonology Round Table, Vienna, 14–15 June 2019.
[with Péter Rebrus] Variation in suffix-initial vowels in typical and nontypical adjectival contexts. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH14), Potsdam, 11–12 June 2019.
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Lexical stata and the Height Effect. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH14), Potsdam, 11–12 June 2019. [
Microphonotactics. Paper presented at the Theoretical and Formal Linguistics Conference, Nantes, 11 June 2019. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Transparency and lexical strata. Poster presented at the 16th Old World Conference in Phonology, Verona, 16–18 January 2019. [
Stressed schwa in English. Paper presented at the 2nd Össznyelvész conference, Budapest, 7 December 2018. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Morphosyntactically conditioned morphophonological variation. Paper presented at the Phonological variation and its interfaces workshop, Barcelona, 22 November 2018. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Gradual phonotactics. Paper presented at the Representing phonotactics workshop of LabPhon16, Lisbon, 23 June 2018. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Gradual phonotactics. Paper presented at the SALT Workshop, Tromsø, 11–12 May 2018. [
English obstruents and laryngeal markedness. Paper presented at the 15th Old World Conference in Phonology, London, 12–14 January 2018. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Explaining unnatural gaps in variation. Paper presented at the 15th Old World Conference in Phonology, London, 12–14 January 2018. [
Lenisizing English. Paper presented at the Government Phonology Round Table, Budapest, 18 November 2017. [
[with Péter Rebrus] A complexity-based typology of consonant clusters. Paper presented at SinFonIJA 10, Dubrovnik, 23–24 October 2017. [
‘Spread’ won’t spread: There are no fortis+fortis clusters in English. Paper presented at the 47th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 18–20 September 2017. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Asymmetric variation: Justifying the absence of a possessive allomorph. Paper presented at the 2nd Budapest Linguistics Conference, 1–3 June 2017. [
English stress is stable, lexical, and binary. Paper presented at the 25mfm fringe workshop, GDRI PTA on the ternarity of English stress, 24 May 2017. [
[with Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy] Asymmetric variation. Poster presented at the 14th Old World Conference in Phonology, Düsseldorf, 20–22 February 2017. [
Segmenting clusters (and a look at obstruent clusters). Paper presented at the Workshop on Constituents, London, 17 February 2017. [
Does syllable structure really matter? The case of postconsonantal yod. Paper presented at 14èmes rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie, Nice, 2 July 2016. [
Another look at English phonotactics. Paper presented at The 24th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, 28 May 2016. [
No diphthong, no problem. Talk delivered at the 2nd Approaches to Phonetics and Phonology Conference, Lublin, 20 June 2015. [
Syllables are not structure. Paper presented at the special session on syllables of The 23rd Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, 29 May 2015. [
A brit angol magánhangzórendszer: kisebb, mint gondolnád. Paper presented at KAFA, Budapest, 14 May 2015. [
British English vowels: Fewer than you would think. Paper presented at the 10th Government Phonology Round Table, Vienna, 2 May 2015. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Diminutives: Exceptions to the exceptions. Paper presented at the Exceptionality in Phonology Workshop at the 12th Old World Conference in Phonology, Barcelona, 28 January 2015. [
Miért marad [j] az angolban ott, ahol nem kéne? Paper presented at the Első Variáció Műhelynap, Budapest, 21 November 2014.
Írjunk át: minek, mit, hogyan? Paper presented at the Tudós tanárok — tanár tudósok conference, Budapest, 11 November 2014. [
The vowel system of Current British English. Paper presented at the Linguistics Beyond and Within conference, Lublin, 7 Nobember 2014. [
English word stress meets French liaison and Hungarian vowel harmony. Paper presented at the Reading Tobias Scheer conference, 6–8 February 2014. [
Is there vowel reduction in English? Paper presented to the Budapest Phonology Circle, 27 November 2013. [
[with Péter Rebrus] Antiharmony, transparency, truncation. Poster presented at the 21st Manchester Phonology Meeting, 25 May 2013. [
Consequence of sounds: The consonants and vowels. Paper presented to the 9th Government Phonology Round Table, Budapest, 20 April 2013. [
Transcribing British English vowels. Paper presented to the Budapest Phonology Circle, 20 February 2013. [
Stress and vowel reduction in English. Paper presented at the SinFonIJA 5 Conference, Vienna, 28 September 2012. [
[with Miklós Törkenczy] Degrees of stress. Paper presented to the Budapest Phonology Circle, 16 May 2012. [
[with Miklós Törkenczy] Mi az ami hangsúlyos és mi nem az az angolban. Paper presented at the 125 éves az ELTE Angol Tanszéke conference, 9 November 2011. [
[with László Kálmán, Péter Rebrus, and Miklós Törkenczy] Harmony that cannot be represented. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH10), 26 August 2011, Lund. [
“Onset” “weight”. Paper presented at the 7th Government Phonology Roundtable (GPRT7), 8 May 2010, Ljubljana. [
[with Miklós Törkenczy] Pszeudo-Kratülosz újratöltve. Paper presented at the Nyelvész Fieszta, 12 December 2008. [
[with Miklós Törkenczy] Pszeudo-Kratülosz. Dialogue presented at the Elméleti Nyelvészeti Fieszta, 30 November 2005. [
On the Universality Principle. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Representation of Consonants: Looking for Generalizations, Leiden, 3 December 2004. [
Consonant clusters. Paper presented at the Budapest–Vienna Government Phonology Round Table 4, Vienna, 8 May 2004.
Le sens du rien. Talk given to l'Institut de la linguistique française, Université de Nice, 16 April 2004. [
The null-hypotheses of syllable structure. Paper presented at the 34th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1–3 May 2003. [
Manner as a skeletal relation. Paper presented at the 9th International Phonology Meeting (Stucture and Melody), University of Vienna, 1–3 November 2002. [
Branching onsets and syncope in English. Paper presented at the Conference on English Phonology, Université de Toulouse, 26–28 June 2002. [
[with Tobias Scheer] Unified representations for the syllable and stress. Paper presented at the 10th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 23–25 May 2002. [
[with Péter Dienes] Consonantal lenition types in VC skeletons. Paper presented at the Colloque inaugural du GDR 1954 Phonologie: La position forte, Nice, 24–25 June 1999. [
[with Péter Dienes] Repartitioning the skeleton: VC phonology. Paper presented at the 7th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 13–15 May 1999. [
Against word-final empty nuclei. Poster presented at the 7th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 14 May 1999. [
[with Péter Dienes] Repartitioning the skeleton: VC phonology. Paper presented at the BuPhoC session on 24 Mar 1999. [
A szonoráns-obstruens különbség a magyarban. Paper presented at the II. Nyelvészeti PhD Konferencia, Szeged, 20–22 November 1998. [
Voice assimilation in Hungarian. Paper presented at the Government Phonology Workshop, Novi Sad, 6–8 December 1997. [
Why [h] does not get voiced. Paper presented at the BuPhoC session of 30 April 1997.
Miért nem zöngésedik a [h]? Paper presented at the A Mai Magyar Nyelv Leírásának Újabb Módszerei III. conference, Szeged, 16–17 April 1997.
[with Péter Rebrus, Péter Siptár, and Miklós Törkenczy] Hungarian morphology doesn’t meet GP. Paper presented at the GP Workshop of the 8th International Phonology Meeting, Vienna, 1–3 November 1996. [
Are affricates contour segments? Paper presented at the First Symposium of Doctoral Students in Linguistics (Budapest, 7 June 1996).
[with Ádám Nádasdy] HAKSZ: A foreign-accent pronunciation dictionary for Hungarians. Paper presented at the BuPhoC session of 18 October 1995.
Why coronals 1, 2. Paper presented at the BuPhoC sessions of 23 March and 28 September 1994.